Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Last Thursday, the Spirits Eugênia-Aspásia and Temístocles, members of the same Domain of Consciousness, in partnership, passed me the ideas that had been passed on to them by the Angel-Mother of our earthly humanity.

Different from the usual, besides forming a duo, they came in two different moments for the composition of the same article: in the morning and in the late afternoon. Although the first part of the text seemed to close a complete circle of ideas, I was led to an out-of-the-body experience with the Spiritual Mentor, who asked me to add the complement to the message, by psychography, after returning to my physical body.

Eugênia told me that there was a reason, which is not fit here to be detailed, for receiving the Celestial Epistle, in two phases, concerning the type of impact that the Sublime Spirituality wanted to promote, in stages of assimilation, in the readers.

Following is the final result of the Missive from the Great Maternal Soul that the two Spiritual Guides intermediated to all of us.

Unfortunately, this is a world in which the overwhelming majority of people still do not know how to be loved or cared for, being suspicious of the good they receive, while honoring, consciously or unconsciously, those who mistreat or harm them.

Lies, manipulations, hidden intentions, dissimulation of friendship and love – human relations in the physical domain of existence of the globe, even among so-called “good people”, constitute, in general, a borderless ocean of moral excrements, with frequent tsunamis of karma, in the same life, and countless reincarnation cycles of fed back misfortunes…

There is, however, a minority of spirits (progressively more extensive and active) housed in organisms of flesh that, despite perceiving evil and vice roving around them, bravely choose to invest in the good, through conscious ecological, political and social practices, through sincere acts of friendship, through authentic efforts to be helpful and make loved ones or even “strangers” for whom they feel responsible — as teachers in classrooms do – happier, through disciplined dedication to do the best in all areas of their lives, through the devotion to an Ideal of service to the common good…

And so, they persevere, praying, meditating with elevated purposes, establishing and fulfilling goals of humanitarian work, regardless of how many creatures they reach with their actions.

These peacemakers, who resemble children, in the words of the Christ-Verb Jesus, “will inherit the Earth”, because they enter, already today, even if painfully and precariously, the “Kingdom of Heaven”, a little every day, attracting, in a lasting and definitive way, a succession of blessings of various kinds, on an exponential scale, to their own existences, despite continuing to suffer resistances and internal conflicts in their interpersonal relationships.

The significant growth of the percentage of these more conscious, humanistic and spiritual hearts, in the bosom of societies, has been fueling successive waves of change in the patterns  of behavior and in the paradigms of interpretation of reality, all over the planet, greatly favoring collective progress. Thus, I reiterate what I affirmed, in the Name of the Maternal Face of God, through the medium Lúcia dos Santos, in Fátima, Portugal:

“In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”

Such prophetic sentence can be translated in these more up to date terms: in spite of all the sea of mud, blood and tears that, century after century, has been soaking and staining Earth’s soil, nothing can deter the victory of the Infinite Love and Perfect Wisdom of the Supreme Being who, sooner or later, will transform, through men and women of goodwill and through the effect of His-Her Grace and Merciful Intervention, moral rottenness into fertilizer for souls, swamps of anguish into orchards of joy, deserts of inhumanity into forests of solidarity… and then, the earthly civilization will be saved… it is already in the process of salvation!…

Message of MARY Christ
Intermediation of Eugênia-Aspásia and Temístocles (Spirits)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
May 5, 2019

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

Ocean of moral excrements and the salvation of the planet

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