In the prelude of the “new year”, let’s think that, to create a preamble of a new era in our lives, it is important to enable ourselves to reflect deeply, at each moment experienced. We easily become accustomed, when incarnated, to live automatically, to react mechanically, to answer with ready-made formulas, to try to solve entirely new questions with very often obsolete paradigms.
In the “new year” that is beginning, let’s become aware of the need to exercise the lucid conscience, no longer accommodating ourselves to a conscience blunted in the processes of psychological conditioning that narrow it, diminishing its ability to make adequate choices for its particular evolutionary context.
Let us understand that life exists to complexify, expand and deepen the consciousness and its power of evaluation and of being, and, therefore, the capacity to feel, to valuate, to transform.
Faced with these considerations, let us make ourselves more committed, let us decide to do our utmost in each circumstance; and, doing so, we will be making the best choice, like that proposed by King Solomon, when asked by the spirit Yahweh, guide of the Israeli people: “What do you want me to give you?” “Wisdom” he answered. So, Yahweh replied: “Because you have asked for wisdom and not other things, you will receive wisdom and everything else. Solomon came thus to be the most prosperous and the most powerful of all the Israeli kings, as well as the wisest, as biblical traditions assert.
Let us also, on our part, make the choice for the best, so that all the other things may be given to us, as Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of Heaven and Its justice, and the rest will be given to you as well.”
(Message received psychophonically at the public meeting of Espaço Emes on January 1, 2006 – held on Sundays at 7:30 p.m.)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia