Origin of all evils

Origin of all evils
All human dramas and tragedies have the same root: the lack of fraternal sentiment. That is what generates from the horror of the war and terrorism, passing by prejudice and violence against minorities or groups that are different among themselves, to the squabbles of the intimate life. Fraternity is an imperative to human survival on Earth. All religions, philosophies and cultures assert, in their best postulates, the universal axiom.
May we live the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood in any circumstances, with biological relatives or friends, with co-workers or acquaintances from physical communities or social networks, and even with strangers, no matter whether or not they share the same identities that define ourselves, be it of nation, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social, professional or academic class, religion or philosophy of life.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar and Spiritual Friends
New Fairfield, Connecticut, EUA
January 4, 2019

Origin of all evils

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