Confidence about my innermost impressions about happiness

The guides of the Spirit World asked me to make public a “secret of the soul”, so as to help people who have experiences similar to mine.

I developed, over time, a mental pattern that I now recognize emerged in response to a varied and significant amount of abuse I suffered in my childhood and adolescence, much of it stemming from my status as a member of the LGBT community – I have been aware of being homosexual since I was six years old, before I even knew the fancy word for what was qualified as an aberration to humanity and, extreme blasphemy, an abomination in the Eyes of God.

Happiness seemed to me to be a life goal for normal, healthy individuals, and not for the morally or psychologically deformed, as I was indoctrinated to feel – indoctrination that, in the 1970s, took place through the media, school, church, family, everywhere.

Creatures like me would be destined to madness, suicide, public mockery, and – for those who were religious, which was also my case – eternal damnation in hell.

I did not admit despair. But despite being born in Brazil, whose culture softens the rigors of the Western apology of “hard work,” it took me a long time to discover that I understood well-being or, even worse, the daring pretension of happiness as indicative of selfishness, laziness, and futility.

Secretly, I always thought the pursuit of being happy was a childish, vicious, and mediocre goal. Life should be dedicated to “serious” projects, aimed at the common good, based on a routine of stoic disciplines. And any discomforts arising from this philosophy and system of existential management would have to be banished, as a natural consequence of a progressive “psychological maturation”.

I had to fall ill successively, already in the maturity of the physical body, to realize that these presuppositions were pathological and that it behooved me to at least modify my concepts of happiness, translating them as peace of conscience, sense of duty accomplished or fulfillment of a “vocation” – in the deepest sense of the word: the “Voice” of God or the Divine Will for each one of us.

This is one of the most relevant motives why I was chosen to spread a set of principles that stands out for the observation of the compass of happiness – which, in the last analysis, constitutes a tool for human beings to guide themselves, in all departments of their lives, and align themselves with the axis of their own conscience, with the noblest and most authentic moral values.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
LaGrange, New York, USA
October 2, 2021



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