Pathway to the joy of living

Do not fear the mistakes of the past or the uncertainties of the future. Focus your attention on the present, aligning yourself, as much as is feasible for you with the sense of duty to fulfill, of profound realization of your existential purpose, of surrender to the feeling and/or the search for a state of bliss, of peace and enthusiasm for the mystical union with the spirits dedicated to the practice of good in favor of all living creatures, starting with the brothers and sisters in humanity and, among these, those who are in the category of closest to you, those within your more direct range of individual influence and responsibility.

Do this, and do it every day as a daily pattern, converting it into a new way of behaving in any circumstance and area of your life… and the mists of boredom will dissipate, and the torment of lack of motivation will fade away, and the joy of living, even if amid the natural vicissitudes of the human condition, will gradually and ever more profoundly and solidly, become your way of being and living in the world… because you will no longer belong to it…1

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States
May 2, 2023

1. John:15-19.

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