Reasons to be happy 

You have many reasons to be happy:

If you eat by handling the cutlery with your own hands and still have something to eat…

If you walk on your feet and still have work to go to every day and friends and family to visit at weekends…

If you have a healthy brain and all the books in the world to research and read, and still enjoy the freedom to make or reshape creative life plans…

If you profess a faith, whatever it may be, and can still express it publicly…

You are lucky! And I congratulate you on being so happy, even though you probably do not even realize it.

I am sure I have only listed a tiny fraction of the enormity of the blessings for which you can feel grateful and blessed.

I do not need to mention others, but you should list them for yourself, in order to measure your own fortune and realize that you are, in fact, blessed by God, protected by His-Her Infinite Love.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
July 27th, 2004

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