Still About Happiness.

Still About Happiness.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia

Sadness and chaos – door to regret, to transformation and to victory, at a higher level of expression.

Madness, swoon, despair – panic is a frontier to big healing processes.

Anguish, depression, complete lack of will to live – an important invitation to review your parameters of observation, values and life goals.

Whatever crisis you go through, always remember this basic existential message: What lesson does the universe want me to learn with this pain? Asking yourself about the purpose, without getting lost looking for  the causes; focusing on the goals instead of wearing yourself out searching for  the culprits, you will truly be on the way to the solution, to the purpose that generates the uncomfortable situation. This way, the problem tends to easily dissolve, if it does not lose its strength, leaving you free to live and be happy.

Do not regret, do not torment yourself. Relax and seek happiness – the rest is consequence. With ethics, with spirituality, with detachment, but still happiness. Bitterness disguised as sanctity serves only to fuel the growth of all kinds of abuses in the name of happiness and these are nothing more than irresponsible invitations to pleasure for the sake of pleasure. Happiness summarizes a state of mind where one is centered, one knows what one wants, where one is going and what one is, with a good command of the art of managing frustrations, unhappy circumstances and misfortunes.

And this is a summary of psychological maturity.

(Text received in September 23, 2000.)

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