Being and doing in the world

Be the plumb line of balance and harmony, wherever and with whomever you are.

Show fraternity and make yourself useful and generous in all circumstances.

Touch the heart and awaken the intelligence of the people you live with or those you can reach, helping them to set out on the path of the common good, of the service for the happiness of all.

Rest assured that there is no authentic joy that does not pass through the sieves of conscience, that does not respect the criteria of peace, that is not based on the correct fulfillment of one’s own duties.

This proposal for an attitude toward existence, however, does not imply that you should always be affable or resigned to what happens to you or around you.

Often, expressions of courage and authenticity, as well as of loyalty to your principles and to the causes and individuals within your sphere of responsibility, will require you to take an energetic stance in defense of your own feelings or those of others, of moral or cultural heritage entrusted to you by Divine Purpose, compelling you to draw the sword of the good fight¹ for the sake of collective good and peace.

This is the paradox inherent in the precepts of the Christ-Verb Jesus: “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword”² and “My peace I leave with you; not as the world gives do I give to you”³. In other words, the honest and mature devotion to an ideal encompasses dealing with the conflicts that the complex human reality necessarily presents.

In short, raise yourself to the level of wisdom essential for you to really become an agent of the Heavenly Light, in any situation you encounter due to the intricate and unpredictable Flows of Life.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
July 27, 2023

1. 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
2. Matthew 10:34.
3. John 14:27.

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