The specular function of life – how to abbreviate and avoid sufferings

Pay attention to the signs of life.

Ordinarily, situations, people, challenges, problems and duties have a specular function, in a double and antagonistic sense: they reflect what you are or what you need to elaborate and develop in yourself, or they reveal the opposite pole of what you experience and need to contact, balance and integrate into the totality of your psyche.

As a didactic example of this universal principle, someone can attract irritating events or irascible individuals, either to be stimulated to channel and/or educate the excesses of their own aggressiveness or, conversely, to be provoked to break an inertia of passivity or submission to which they usually inadvertently surrender.

In any circumstance you encounter, get into the habit of pondering two basic questions: “What does the Supreme Being intend to teach me through this experience?” and “How does Divine Wisdom expect me to act in the face of this learning scenario?”

By disciplining yourself in this proactive attitude toward the trials inherent to the human condition, you will not only abbreviate them, but also get through them more naturally and avoid them repeating themselves cyclically, by assimilating the lessons that motivate the rise of the vicissitudes of the evolutionary paths.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
September 6, 2024

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