Celestial Seeds

May we earn the (priceless) blessings of God by devoting ourselves to the cultivation of the celestial seeds that are deposited in our hearts, through the determination and discipline to make them sprout and bear fruit in the blessed tree of fraternal service entrusted to us, by Divine delegation of personal responsibility.


Let us, [...]

Passivity is irresponsibility.

We may even omit from acting extemporaneously or erroneously, which implies that we are aware of our attitude. However, we never should give in (to anyone) the power to decide what is more right to do, to think or to feel — because, even for us to wisely interpret the Messages of Heaven, such as [...]

The curious case of a Friendly Spirit


It was 4:45 am this Monday (Brasilia time), when I was awoken, after 4 hours and 15 minutes of sleep, with an unusual image.


Good-humored and satirical, a Spiritual Friend (who preferred to stay anonymous) introduced me, on a white canvas, the bizarre image of an owl that had, before it, a [...]

Ideal and excellence

Most likely, you will not be able to fulfill or be the model you have designed for yourself. However, you can, in accordance with how much you invest in lucidity, self-knowledge, culture and discipline, perform externally and become internally the best within your reach.

It is your standard of excellence that you should pursue, not [...]

Self-condemnation and active faith

Self-condemnation will never constitute an attunement with the good. Let’s live, earnestly, the spirit of hope and faith in the Infinite Goodness of God, with due focus on personal responsibility of action and of being proactive for our own benefit and for the benefit of our loved ones, as well as of our brothers and [...]