
Today, if still incarnated, he [Chico Xavier] would be turning 108.

He was more than a medium — he was a “direct” Voice representing the Christ JESUS ​​to Earth.

He was beyond the Spiritist doctrine – he lived the Christianity, in its full essence of universal love and integration, overcoming barriers of religions or [...]

Going through life in vain or with the right attention

Going through life in vain or with the right attention


Going through life in vain or with the right attention


Let’s not be moralists or conventional, even in the field of leisure, even because we should allow ourselves the controversial but unquestionably necessary, and notably salutary, “work with the psychological shadow”, advocated [...]

Light in oneself, light in others

Light in oneself, light in others

Be Light, instead of claiming someone else’s Light. Those who already really are of the Good light their own lamp before watching the shadows of their fellows. To demand goodness and detachment from other people, instead of striving to develop virtue [...]

By inherency, man is a protector and not a rapist — and what to do with the psychic monster of many heads that threatens the survival of the human civilization on Earth…

The Brazilian press and various vehicles of communication — including the social networks on the Internet — published, with justified fuss and horror, the news about 30 men who raped a woman. I would make a correction to the news though: there was a woman in the story presented, but no man. [...]

The danger of your flaws.

The danger of your flaws.

If you do not notice, educate or, at least, manage your flaws, they can be more easily detected by your enemies, incarnate or discarnate, therefore becoming open flanks to all forms of attack against your personal interests, including the highest ones.

Genuine self-esteem and self-confidence are based on lucid [...]