Black Madonna and the mystique of a binomial of two centuries: one vector toward the past and the other toward the future – a tribute to “Black Mary Christ”, on the occasion of the Our Lady of Aparecida Day    

It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.

Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in [...]

House of hopelessness, chamber of rebirth

When everything seems lost or unsolvable…

When your life situation is plunged into despair and panic, the time has come to evoke the intervention and assistance of the Divine Mercy, infinite in all Its expressions.

When the cold, hissing wind of horror surrounds you and the grim figure [...]

Divine breath

They told you it would not be possible…

However, if what you feel you must do is an impulse that really comes from your soul and not from your ego, if you are truly moved by the feeling to fulfill your responsibility and not by the desire to stand out above [...]

The Word and the Life 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”¹

This introduction to the Gospel of John summarizes, in a profound and didactic way, the primacy that individuals must give to the Voice of Conscience, establishing it as the guiding principle of their lives, so that they [...]

Lasting changes


When you want to start afresh, don’t try to break completely with the past.

There are critical situations – exceptions, though – in which you do need to carry out a “revolution” in your existence. But as much as possible,

think in terms of gradual development.