It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.
Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in Brazilian lands, was already taking place the unspeakably abominable [...]
Enveloped in light as sunlight, radiated from Her entire Sacrosanct Figure, Holy Mary, the Greatest Mother of humanity, appeared to us in a spectacle of spiritual luminosity, a living message of Her Grandiosity!…
Before we could recover from the magnificent astonishment of the Extraordinary Apparition, we heard Her Voice resound around [...]
We exchanged the Sublime Birthday Person for the bizarre figure of an old man with Nordic clothes and apparel, in a red robe, with white beard, sinister laugher, who rides a flying sleigh, pulled by macabre reindeers with strange bells recalling horror movies of bad taste, solely giving material gifts to the children, [...]
And, as Jesus prophesied, when the Paraclete arrived, he would explain to the apostles everything that he had taught them.¹
In fact, in the space of just 50 days in vigils of prayer, in seclusion and gathered with her, Mary Christ, the first disciples of the Christ-Verb were seized by a “Sacred Fire” and [...]
It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.
Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in [...]