Credulity vs. faith

Credulity is bad. Faith is essential.

Perhaps you associate every expression of faith with the psychological primitivism of those who rely on popular beliefs, cheap superstitions or anachronistic fanaticism.

Be assured, however, that between true faith and vulgar religiosity, there is a distance as abyssal as that between savage [...]

At the limit

If you really are at the limit of your strength, God knows that too.

So relax and move on, doing what your conscience and good sense tell you is indispensable.

Trust in the Infinite Goodness of the Creator, remaining active in the duties and responsibilities that behoove you, and [...]

Dangerous dreams 

What you want and which sounds so pleasant may not be at all what it seems when seen up close. And what, even up close, still seems palatable can, in the long run, turn out to be bitter.

The world of appearances is a field of illusions, often dangerous…

While many dream of a certain [...]

Blasphemy and tragedy

The Will of God is omnipresent and omnipotent and, thus, subsists not only at the beginning but also at the end of human relationships, allowing those involved to experience a particular set of lessons during a certain period of time.

If someone taken by haughtiness does not accept such an elementary lesson, they apply, [...]

Little slips, big disasters

When you ask someone to do for you what is your personal responsibility, most likely the job will not be done to satisfaction. Attribute then to yourself the blame for what happened, instead of projecting it onto the individual entrusted with the task or getting angry with them, because then there will be two [...]