Horrendous new world order

One year1 of atrocities and humanitarian horrors on a global scale…

Exactly 12 months ago, a world that was still recovering from the strongest blows caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had to face the beginning of a wave of chaos and suffering that would reach millions of people across the planet, especially poorer regions [...]

Light cross

Do not fight against yourself. Become fully yourself. Seek the state of flow, the spontaneous experience of expressing who you really are, joyfully externalizing what makes you happier, more fulfilled, peaceful, integrated.

This is the light cross-burden to which our Lord Jesus referred¹. Take up the cross that is yours: the [...]

Detecting the true voice of conscience

The voice of conscience does not induce self-condemnation, but the transformation of guilt into responsibility, in those who sincerely repent and strive, with perseverance, to redress for the evils they have incurred, by action or negligence.

The voice of conscience does not oppress or deter. On the contrary, it frees one from prejudices and [...]

Healing the pain of the soul

When the magnifying glass of fate finds you, thrusting suffering upon you, do not say something childish and stupid like: “Why is this happening to me?”— It could happen to anyone, and you are no better than your brothers and sisters in humanity.

Verify, indeed, the purpose implied in the adversity. [...]

Sides and fact

There are no sides but only a unity in the common good.

In the final analysis and under any circumstances, always keep this focus, seeking it judiciously when this fundamental parameter is not clear to your perception.

Because, my friend, if you deviate from this primordial axis of discernment [...]