Complex and multifaceted axis of the crisis of survival of human civilization on Earth

Written Statement submitted by Mary Christ Society (formally: Sociedade Filantropica Maria de Nazare) to the “High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2023”, as an organization in special consultative status (since 2018) with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN

The problems of the pandemic generated by SARS-CoV-2 are inseparable from other [...]

Serenity Always

If you notice yourself resistant to hope and optimism, either for cultural reasons, for traumas you have suffered or just because of your idiosyncratic way of seeing the world, you should dedicate yourself to the constructive exercise of skepticism, developing its positive aspects, so that you do not fall into the abysses of hopelessness, [...]

I am here, listening to you

You can speak directly to me, make your requests, express your gratitude, unburden yourself…

Do not see me as an inaccessible authority. This is human prejudice: the projection of the hierarchical and limited form of contact with a personality placed at the top of a social pyramid and, therefore, with not enough time or [...]

How to discern true friends

Those who are not friends with themselves will not be able, however perceptive, to discern who is in fact their friend.

Nurturing healthy self-esteem and due self-respect, including judicious self-confidence, is a basic premise for building mature, constructive relationships, which are also beneficial to other individuals who are within the range of direct or [...]

Axial triad

Judiciousness in thinking.

Goodwill in feeling.

Fraternity in acting.

Follow this triple rule, with sincerity, disciplinary vigor and persistence. Improve it and extend its application to all areas of your existence…

And, when you least expect it, you will notice yourself already in the Kingdom of God, because of the emanations of goodness and [...]