Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Temístocles
Neuroses – or disorders, according to the modern vernacular of psychology on the physical plane — make up complex systems of maintenance and regulation of the psychism, according to the individual’s own needs, very often of a compensatory nature. For instance: people who [...]
Misfortune is usually a Divine package from the Grace, waiting for us to “tear it open”, inside ourselves, and reap the lesson-benefit that underlies it. Pay attention, friend. Situations-limit are hybrid in their constructive and destructive effects. Decide for the best: instead of listening to the allurements of evil and plunging [...]
Let us run away from fairy tales, from the tragic fate of imprisoning ourselves to an existential context and/or line of destiny in which dreams of love often turn into nightmares of horror. Instead of escapist fantasies, let us seek plausible projects (for they are based on the reality of our [...]
In critical situations, I think to myself how a conscientious atheist would act in my place, in terms of the pragmatism of good. Armed with this answer, I demand myself to do more or better, since we cannot have the frivolous and fanatical expectation that Divinity and the Forces that represent [...]
If you are a soul endowed with added sensitivity, you will suffer what your fellows do not notice, carrying a wounded and often hemorrhagic heart. On the other hand, however, if you maintain stoic discipline, in the spiritual search for the attunement with the good, praying to God and asking for [...]