I do not mind any kind of contestation of the legitimacy of the Authorship of the messages that I receive from Mary Christ through the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia. It is natural that this occurs, and it does not make the slightest difference to the essence of the celestial gift. There are phenomena that [...]
“Sickness is a visit from Jesus”, Sister Bridget would say, when she was still incarnated. Whenever we are bound to the expiatory course of an illness, let us engage in a serious conversation with the deeper layers of our consciousness, while we are going through the convalescence, so that we may assimilate all the [...]
Century over century, the spirit acquires experience so as to advance in intelligence and feeling, expanding its potentials to lucidity and to fulfillment.
The game of appearances, in successive reincarnations, is used as an evolutionary tool to the service of the immortal essence that journeys toward Eternity.
Spirit Gustavo Henrique Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
Not taking yourself seriously is diametrically the opposite of not taking things seriously. The first attitude is a virtue that reveals a good standard of lucidity and humility for the evolutionary levels of the Earth. The second, in turn, indicates traces of mockery, superficiality, irresponsibility, unconsciousness and cynicism. Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar [...]
It is my nature, from the cradle, a clear aversion to debates and topics about politics. I am not registered with any party or political party movement nor do I take part in any activity associated with the topic.
Nobody is, in sound mind, in favor of corruption. All governments make mistakes, to varying [...]