The grave danger of putting curses

When there is an ill wish toward others, whether from wounded pride or a desire for revenge, the energy and the mystical pattern of the “curse” turn against who invoked it and the less those who were de focus of such an unfairly issued punishment deserve it, the graver the consequences.

Benjamin Teixeira de [...]

Prayer to the Christ-Mother

Blessed art Thou, O Celestial Mother!

Last hope of the hopeless!

Living Reflector of God’s Infinite Goodness!

Welcome, O so beloved Mother!

Welcome to our hearts… to our lives!

Touch us from within… and transform us… forever!…

O Immaculate Heart of Mother, we place our existences and our future in Your Hands!

Save us [...]

Humility and lucidity

Humility is lucidity. Lucidity in the sense of neither exaggerating one’s own qualities nor the flaws of others, and neither underestimating the qualities of others nor one’s own flaws.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar January 1, 2017 Maxim extracted from “Destiny, karma and personal mission”

Humility and lucidity


Urgent civilizational paradigmatic rupture – Statement submitted by the Quantum Leap Institute, as an organization in special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), to the High-Level Political Forum 2019, which will be held in July, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

Fritjof Capra, in his classic “The Turning Point” (1982), states that we live a “crisis of perception” in our civilization. Thomas Kuhn, in his work “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1962), describes the historical cyclical phenomenon he called “paradigm shifts”, in the field of sciences and human values.

It is [...]

In resonance with the Angels of God!…


Give thanks to the fruit tree, when picking up a fruit from its branches. Talk kindly to the little plant that you take care of, in your garden. As the animals that deserve your kindness, the plants are also living (and, therefore, spirituals) beings in process of evolution…

Exercise gratitude and love, in [...]