When everything seems gloomy and lost, we come to the time of faith, to the circumstance that is proper to it. A mature faith, which does not mean vain and naive expectation of the best, motivates us to do what is our personal responsibility, without expecting from the Spiritual World and the Divine Plane the [...]
Pantheism – to die to dive into the Whole — is equivalent to nihilism.
God and the Forces that represent Him/Her do not want to dominate us, but to assist us in the process of personal search for intimate fulfillment, leading us not only to unleashing our full potential, according to our present evolutionary stage, [...]
Faith must be alive, or not only is it already dead — it kills. Faith that, by whatever spiritual practices, does not unfold in more humane, solidary and inclusive attitudes, in all departments of the devotee’s existence, turns into fanaticism, in many degrees, from “mere” self-castration to acts of terrorism.
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit) Benjamin Teixeira de [...]
Sacred moments of meditation and prayer can unfold with a spirit of playfulness, of satisfaction of the soul, of lightness and joy. Why could not there be joy in the act, par excellence, of rejoicing of the conscience, rehearsing transcendence?…
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia
Let us go through, with gallantry and unrestrained confidence in the Infinite Goodness and Divine Wisdom, the phases of external turmoil and inner difficulties.
Everything passes… and it passes better, if we remain, with discipline, in line with the combative responsibility of systematic choice for the good, in all circumstances.
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit) Benjamin Teixeira de [...]