In the foreground

Why rush so much? Why acquire more money, power or prestige?

Answer me with honesty: does this make you happier, more peaceful, more fulfilled?

Love your loved ones, be good to those who deserve it and need it, be charitable toward strangers or adversaries, be kind toward everyone.

Imminent colossal tragedy

We are on the verge of completing exactly two millennia since the events that constituted the apogee of Jesus’ public life, with the culmination of the horrors of the Calvary and the Eternal Glory of His Resurrection.

According to authors of the material domain of existence – and it is not our purpose here to [...]

Would the apocalypse be imminent and inevitable?

Hecatombs with apocalyptic potential are taking shape and multiplying frighteningly, from a human perspective.

The slaughters perpetrated against children and defenseless citizens continue, in a Dantesque and seemingly unstoppable scene, with a clear inclination to worsen and get out of control.

Everywhere, from academic debates to the headlines of respectable news outlets, through the [...]

When one is neither a genius nor a saint

The genius and wisdom of spirits matured in the crucible of centuries may be inaccessible to you, beloved child.

The prudence, however, to evaluate with criteria what is practical, realistic and constructive to do, will always be viable for you.

The holiness and compassion of souls gifted with [...]

Answers from Heaven and childish beliefs

Genuine Answers from Heaven often take on complex outlines, for they are complete. An illness that prompts important reflections for undelayable self-correction… A professional setback that leads to redirection toward more successful routes of service to the common good…

A disappointment with friends, a possible estrangement from family members or a rupture in contact [...]