New perspective

The light of truth visits you and you find yourself covered in shadows with a glimpse of the panorama of mistakes you could have avoided in the past. Regret is atrocious and doubt creeps into your mind, even about the quality of your character.

However, friend, we ask you, from the [...]

The capital importance of forgiveness

Forgiveness is neither a poetic abstraction nor a mere religious rule or moralistic dictum. Forgiveness configures the psychological and spiritual excellence of a state of lucidity and serenity that allows the individual to let go of the idea and feeling of personal attack and, simultaneously, to grant themselves the blessing of detoxification [...]

Great transformations 

Forgive, friend, your lack of faith here or there.

Remember that you are human. Therefore, it is understandable that you act from time to time in a way that is less coherent with the postulates of your ideal. Absolute coherence is an unattainable goal at the human level of evolution.

Mother’s Message

I was still immersed in a fragment of sleep, in the early hours of this Monday morning, enraptured by a vivid mental picture that seemed to me to have been dyed in oil, with impressionistic strokes, in which a carousel appeared with little children dressed in costumes that reminded me of the “belle époque”, [...]

How to perceive the answers of God

God always listens and, in one way or another, invariably answers all the supplications made to Him-Her. However, He-She rarely corresponds to the expectations of the supplicant or provides him/her – which is even more unusual – with spectacular miracles.

Look out for dreams, synchronicities, intuitions, apparently fortuitous events, such as a conversation with [...]