Tyrannical automatisms

Fear of being happy: your problem.

Do not submit to the system of cultural vices. Rebel, not to break norms, but to overcome prejudices, starting with the biggest of all: that which dictates that it is not possible to work towards the achievement of happiness, intimate well-being, peace of conscience – [...]

Discovering the map to the greatest treasure

Not by many requests to God…

Not by mental cries to Heaven…

Not by trying to bribe the Powers of the Universe with empty promises…

Not by wanting so much, nor by intensely believing in the power of faith…

Not even by the diligent effort in studying, planning or working to obtain moral merits [...]

Vertigo of horror, dread and chaos

The Christ-Verb Jesus said, according to the Evangelist Matthew, chapter 24, verses 12 and 13:

“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

However, I suggest reflecting on a broader section of the New Testament passage.

“Watch out [...]

Love, sex and tragic dangers

Human beings, in the current evolutionary phase in which the earthly civilization, on average, finds itself, are sexual creatures.

Erotic bonds involve feelings, generate positive or negative psychological impacts and create karma, such as debits or credits.

For this reason, all care is respectable in interpersonal relationships, to [...]

Humanity’s Greatest Hope – a simple tribute, a relevant reminder

She [Mary Christ] brought the Voice of Truth to Earth two thousand years ago and is currently the Last and Greatest Hope for our planetary civilization – on the brink of apocalypse in so many ways!

She was the One to Whom Christ Jesus bequeathed us, from the top of the [...]