NDE’s Revolution

(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, do you wish to engender any particular subject?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Yes. Near Death Experiences.

(BT) – That is great, Eugênia. This subject is fascinating and I don’t hear you talk about it often, nor I see [...]

Homosexuality (*1)

(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, a national magazine published a report this week on homosexuals and their great dramas and difficulties in assuming and living, socially, their structure of psychosexual orientation. Would you have anything to say about this matter?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Yes, that the future of humanity reserves full citizenship [...]

Controversial Issues about Marriage, Virginity before Marriage and Mediumistic Distortions

(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, could you talk about what you meant when you said that marriage should be open and partners should communicate the suspension of their affectionate commitment to each other, when in doubt about their feelings, in order to have other experiences, informing the spouse?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Yes. [...]


(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, would you have anything to say about marriage?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Marriage is one of the most important institutions for the maintenance of emotional, psychological and spiritual balance of individuals and societies. Only through well-formed marriage is that families can structure themselves with depth and [...]


(Benjamin Teixeira) – Eugênia, would you have anything to say about forgiveness?

(Spirit Eugenia) – Forgiveness is a practice of good social living. It is impossible to live happily and harmoniously without it. Every time we hold on to grief, we hinder our own happiness. One is more impatient. [...]