Having an aptitude for paranormal and mediumistic functions differs from having the identity of a sensitive or a vocation for the task of exchange between the carnal dimension of existence and the spiritual domains of life beyond dense matter, even though every human being has, to some degree, even if imperceptibly, the propensity to [...]
Focus your thoughts on love, dear children. Do not stop to dwell on hatred. The monoideism of aversion leads to all sorts of hostility and moral decadence.
Conjecture on love and its expressions of goodness, tenderness and pity, which represent the deepest degree of lucidity and perception attainable at the hominal stage of [...]
Peace. The voice of the heart that reveres God. It is never shaken, because it seeks to fulfill the entirety of its responsibilities and knows that everything happens for a Divine Purpose.
Balance. Expression of the individual attentive to their own totality. They enjoy harmony in their relationship with themselves, with others, with society, [...]
Pay attention to the signs of life.
Ordinarily, situations, people, challenges, problems and duties have a specular function, in a double and antagonistic sense: they reflect what you are or what you need to elaborate and develop in yourself, or they reveal the opposite pole of what you experience and need to contact, balance [...]
We, the beings dedicated to the practicing of benevolence, form One Single Community, integrated and indissoluble.
The feeling of isolation is a dangerous illusion, partly brought about by the contingencies of the physical realm of life, but also instilled, with intense vigor and elaborate ruse, by agents of evil, who wish to foment chaos, [...]