When one is neither a genius nor a saint

The genius and wisdom of spirits matured in the crucible of centuries may be inaccessible to you, beloved child.

The prudence, however, to evaluate with criteria what is practical, realistic and constructive to do, will always be viable for you.

The holiness and compassion of souls gifted with [...]

Answers from Heaven and childish beliefs

Genuine Answers from Heaven often take on complex outlines, for they are complete. An illness that prompts important reflections for undelayable self-correction… A professional setback that leads to redirection toward more successful routes of service to the common good…

A disappointment with friends, a possible estrangement from family members or a rupture in contact [...]

Sublime art


Whenever you feel tired or sad, angry or discouraged, irritated or jealous, excited or euphoric, redouble your attention – what Our Lord Jesus called “vigilance.”

It is precisely in these moments of heightened desires, emotions and passions that the floodgates of the psyche are most vulnerable to assaults by the forces of darkness, of [...]

Tranquility amidst chaos

Do not allow yourself to be intoxicated by the flood of distressing news from reputable press outlets that have been spewing out perspectives of horror with panic-inducing touches, be it in the information concerning the planetary climate crisis and the pandemonium that seems to be spreading in geopolitics, or in the alarming trends related [...]

The capital importance of forgiveness

Forgiveness is neither a poetic abstraction nor a mere religious rule or moralistic dictum. Forgiveness configures the psychological and spiritual excellence of a state of lucidity and serenity that allows the individual to detach themselves from the idea and feeling of personal attack and, simultaneously, to grant themselves the blessing of detoxification from destructive mental [...]