How to perceive the answers of God

God always listens and, in one way or another, invariably answers all the supplications made to Him-Her. However, He-She rarely corresponds to the expectations of the supplicant or provides him/her – which is even more unusual – with spectacular miracles.

Look out for dreams, synchronicities, intuitions, apparently fortuitous events, such as a conversation with [...]

The Mother is always present and victory will inevitably come to those who persevere in the good

The Mother was present at the foot of the Cross¹, while the Father seemed absent.

In the mythologem of the crucifixion, the Christ-Verb put Himself in the place of every human being, while I represented, as I still do, the One who never abandons us, the Maternal Face of the Infinite Goodness of the [...]

Infinite source of graces

She is there, by your side, closer to you than your own breath.

She is the Maternal Face of God, Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence, Whom I merely represent for the earthly civilization.

Fear nothing. Never doubt. Never waver.

Open yourself, in prayer, to the inexhaustible source of graces that flow from Her and [...]

Flexibility, reality and excellence

Sensibly apply the principle of the flexibility of concepts and methods of action, so that you can experience a greater expression of psychological maturity and pragmatic rationality in managing the context of reality in which you find yourself – inexorably complex and ambiguous, in countless layers and dimensions.

And, far beyond this perspective of [...]

Mystery revealed

Charity, in place of punishment.

“Mercy, instead of sacrifice”¹.

Love, in reverse of fear.

Joy, rather than despair.

Gratitude, in substitution for bitterness.

Paradox is a recurring law in spiritual matters. That is why the Christ-Verb Jesus said that anyone who wanted to save their life, wholly, would have to lose it, according to [...]