The Blessed Moment of Failure

Benjamin Teixeira by the Spirit Gustavo Henrique.

Did you fail? Rise up immediately and take the lead, at the front of the battle and service. Do not surrender to whining or defection: they imply further losses, even greater than those you already had. If you act with consciousness, applying everything that [...]

Sullying Moments

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Gustavo Henrique

Your heart threatens to succumb. Evil seems to have a life of its own– and it does: the one which men bestow upon it, with their mental forces (as there are also those who, more foolish, actually dedicate themselves to it) [...]

Apparently Frustrated Effort

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Gustavo Henrique

Failure happened to you again. You prepared yourself, you did everything within your reach, you tried and, the spectacular fall happened, despite everything.

Revive yourself, friend, and return to the blessed work that redeems your spirit from old errors [...]

Sex, Aggressiveness and Their Relation (Short Answers from the Spirits – 04).

Sex, Aggressiveness and Their Relation (Short Answers from the Spirits – 04).

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Guide Gustavo Henrique

Q: Delano Mothé: Could you make a comparative study on sexual attraction and aggressiveness?

A: The Spirit Eugênia is helping me with this question. Regrettably, there is [...]

Self-Forgiveness vs. Self-Pity (Short Answers from the Spirits – 01)

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Gustavo Henrique

Q: How can we put into practice self-forgiveness without falling into self-pity?

A: We feel in the process of self-indulgence a willingness to gather strength to correct the mistake we realize we have incurred. I repeat: the healthy self-forgiveness is the one [...]