It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.
Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in Brazilian lands, was already taking place the unspeakably abominable [...]
Enveloped in light as sunlight, radiated from Her entire Sacrosanct Figure, Holy Mary, the Greatest Mother of humanity, appeared to us in a spectacle of spiritual luminosity, a living message of Her Grandiosity!…
Before we could recover from the magnificent astonishment of the Extraordinary Apparition, we heard Her Voice resound around [...]
And, as Jesus prophesied, when the Paraclete arrived, he would explain to the apostles everything that he had taught them.¹
In fact, in the space of just 50 days in vigils of prayer, in seclusion and gathered with her, Mary Christ, the first disciples of the Christ-Verb were seized by a “Sacred Fire” and [...]
It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.
Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in [...]
When everything seems lost or unsolvable…
When your life situation is plunged into despair and panic, the time has come to evoke the intervention and assistance of the Divine Mercy, infinite in all Its expressions.
When the cold, hissing wind of horror surrounds you and the grim figure [...]