Forgiveness we owe to everyone, including to criminals.
Tolerance, however, is only due to people with divergent conduct that does not imply disrespect for others and for ourselves.
Those who forgive do not hate and even wish the recipient of their forgiveness well. However, if they are conscientious and sensible, as well as good-natured [...]
Jesus was the Divine Logos incarnated for the civilization of this planet.
The referentials of sensibleness, social justice, authentic devotion to God, detachment from ephemeral power, prestige or possessions of the material domain of existence, as well as the combative proposition of focusing on primely searching for the Essential, which He called the “Kingdom [...]
I am with you and I assist you, in the Name of the Supreme Being.
In a deeper plane of Reality, it is impossible for me not to be with you or not to assist you. The only obstacle, albeit inviolable, by an irrevocable Universal Law of respect for individual freedom, are your conscious [...]
Do not fear the mistakes of the past or the uncertainties of the future. Focus your attention on the present, aligning yourself, as much as is feasible for you with the sense of duty to fulfill, of profound realization of your existential purpose, of surrender to the feeling and/or the search for a state [...]
The Will of God is omnipresent and omnipotent and, thus, subsists not only at the beginning but also at the end of human relationships, allowing those involved to experience a particular set of lessons during a certain period of time.
If someone taken by haughtiness does not accept such an elementary lesson, they apply, [...]