What is infinite – God or human intelligence?

You ask me: why does this happen? And I remind you, first, that asking deep and pertinent questions, whether personal or more comprehensive, is an excellent exercise in lucidity, provided that it is combined with the correlated philosophical effort to seek benevolent or evolutionary meaning and purpose in everything, even if these positive contours [...]

Management of oneself and one’s life

Life is what it is.

Events are never determinable, although they can be relatively manageable, according to the circumstances, potentials and resources of the people involved in them.

Not even your psyche is under your full control. Educate and discipline yourself, but it is essential that you respect, nevertheless, the evolutionary limits that you [...]

The Sacred and the pathetic

Hope is a moral duty – lucid faith constitutes its possible corollary, with the inner work of reflection, of spiritual search and devotional practices, in a systematic and tireless commitment over long periods of time…

Ordinarily, no one obtains an elementary school diploma without dedicating successive years of daily study [...]

Axis of absurdities and horrors

God Is. No definition is proper for Him-Her – any conceptualization would restrict the Absolute to the limited human gnoseological spectrum.

Nothing can be outside of the Being. Nothingness is a mere abstraction of the human mind. Even the space-time continuum, as well as the matter-energy binomial, to exist or “sprout” from “nothing”, require [...]

Genuine Christian peace

Those who love care, but also educate. And those who educate are not always gentle in the way they act.

Therefore, do not trouble yourself when faced with the moral need to be stern for the sake of those within your scope of personal responsibility, [...]