The paradox of mortality, in the context of immortality

Every day, your physical body suffers a little decline of its “charge of vitality” – so to speak, to simplify the complex biochemical processes that gradually lead a material organism to its consumption.

An analogous event takes place in the psychic field, although in an even more sinuous and intricate [...]

Only route

In the pure and unconditional Love, the definitive redemption and sublimity.

Before that, however, my beloved child, in the human condition you are experiencing, try the less pure forms of love, which will gradually prepare you for the spectacular flights of transcendence and will already bring you, as they develop, [...]

Omnipotence and Omnibenevolence

God can do everything and does everything for His-Her creatures, as long as it does not interfere in their space to develop the intelligence and expand the feelings, which implies, for the human condition, the inviolability of the field of consciousness and the consequent freedom of thought and action.

On [...]

Luminous hope in tenebrous days 

I am very glad that millions of hearts all over the world have realized that there are unappealable contours of urgency in the multifaceted planetary crisis that this human civilization is facing.

It is regrettable, however, that, only at the cost of increasing and more frequent climatic and pandemic tragedies, [...]

Crucial problem… capital solution

The image of a woman who represented the Divinity and the Christic Spirituality was dramatically necessary for the collective unconscious of this planetary community. I was chosen to play this role.

This determination came from Jesus himself: that I should be put in evidence before humankind, with the intent to catalyze the evolutionary process [...]