She is here

Making Herself visible as an Immense Glare on the horizon, with Her majestic and extremely loving Voice resounding through every angle of the landscape, the Greatest Spiritual Mother of the Earth told all humanity:

“I am here, forever!…

The Words of Jesus, in their modern version, must be read [...]

The worst that could and that can still happen

Storms of fate would necessarily come… Psychic nimbuses anticipated the tempests of misfortunes that would spark the lightnings of the Law of Return over this hardened earthly humanity.

However, there is always the Heavenly Mercy, manifesting Itself often in an invisible way, especially in Its most powerful effects.

We [...]

Youth and eternity

Youth is blank paper, in many ways, for the free writing of a line of destiny, steady or wobbly, straight or winding, geometric or artistic…

Not everything one wants one can have or do. But it is perfectly possible, with discipline and persistence, to achieve the very best of what one [...]

GOD-Mother who saves the Earth

God is MOTHER, and not only FATHER — it is axiomatic —, for being beyond all dichotomies of the human relative universe, for being, in the fullest sense of the word, the ABSOLUTE!…

Divinity is the GREATEST of all Mothers. The MOTHER who loves infinitely each one of Her children… who [...]

I Am Yours

I go… to Earth, but only to the surface. Because I have been on the planet for many millennia. I came to be the Mother of this humanity… Therefore, it would be better to say, not that I “go” to Earth, but that I “am” from Earth… Wherever her children are, a mother will be [...]