Envoy from Heaven 

I was sent to save this earthly humanity from Armageddon, which insinuates itself on several fronts, with emphasis on two of them:

1) that of obstinate fanaticism and intolerance, which throw peoples and individuals into dangerous fratricidal confrontations…

2) and that of the collapse of the ecosystems, due to the perpetuation of abuses against the [...]

60 years of the Cuban Missile Crisis

We observe… we watch… we stop the worst, paradoxically respecting the free will of individuals and communities.

Something similar to what we did during the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, which, by a telling synchronicity, is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary this year [2022].

Let there be peace, let solidarity movements take place, let even severe [...]

Empire State

No region of the planet is more heterogenous, in ethnic, cultural, linguistic terms than the “Empire State” of New York. No metropolis, in the orb, is more cosmopolitan than the city named after it.

Precisely for this reason, we wanted to establish in this region the matrix of our spiritual embassy on the surface [...]

Roadmap and not label

The symbol of the cross, as an insignia of Christianity, is not a label of moral qualification – it is a roadmap of fraternal activities and of spiritual commitments to self-education.

Jesus stated to have come to save the sick and sinful souls. 1 To be Christian, in its deepest expression, therefore, according to [...]

Pustules from the past… lights in the future

When the pain of nostalgia and the melancholy of loss constrain your sensitive soul, remember the experiences of the past, in which the rupture or the ending, respectively, of a relational bond or of a circumstance that seemed beneficial, without actually being so, brought you wonderful results, in the form of experience, psychological maturity [...]