’Unanswered’ prayers

If in your prayer you ask, but in your behavior, you do not act… you turn the prayer into emptiness, where the Voice of God echoes: “Act, make an effort, improve yourself, so that I can help you.”

Invoke the Transcendence from On High, while working the immanence in yourself. The Divine Emissaries never subtract [...]

Immaculate conceptions

In the 19th century, when, through my spokesperson Bernadette Soubirous,

I called myself the “immaculate conception”, I did not exactly have the intention to confirm religious dogmas.

There was a more profound message, codified in the symbolism of the words used, which constituted, basically, a password, a passport, a key for the attunement with [...]

I Am…

Be in peace! I am the Mystic Rose of Peace. Welcome Me in your heart, as the Permanent Presence of the Lord/Lady. As the world cries out chaos and desperation, listen to My suggestion of hope, of trust, of faith…   If the whirlwind of your soul flogs your sensitive and wounded heart, allow Me [...]

Nonexistent shortcuts and authentic pathway to Heaven

First, you need to become receptive to the psychospiritual emanations from the Sublime Domain of Conscience.

Then, whatever you have captured must provoke some degree of resonance in the structures of your own psyche, in accordance with your current level of evolution.

Finally, you must choose to vibrate, in response, as close as possible [...]

The Christic model of authentic love

Fathers and mothers, not all creatures are.

Children, not everyone has them or necessarily live with them, even because they may no longer enjoy their presence in the physical world.

Friends, brothers and sisters, however, everyone must be, and, within a standard of moral excellence, behave this way with one another, considering the inherent dignity [...]