The real motive for the continuity of old pains

What makes your so old and hallucinating pain not to abandon you?   I ask, on the other hand: why do you perpetuate the tight embrace in which you enlace and fetter yourself to it, crushing yourself with a dreadful and excruciating agony?…   The answer is simple: you have not yet endured enough [...]

Sweetness and severity

    Love nurtures both sweetness and severity.   “Love” that consists only of sweetness is, in depth, seduction.   “Love” that is only severity constitutes, in essence, hostility.   Love adjusts its manifestation to the needs of the loved one, according to the circumstances and possibilities of expression, and the purer it is [...]

Save me

The light was a subtle haze forming before us. The Figure of the Greatest Mother stood in the midst of the luminous mist, and over Her Sacrosanct Image, a few inches ahead of it, appeared only the few words that follow:   “Save me.   Save the Earth and the brother or sister next to [...]

Diabolical monster and/or dragon of the Good

Fear constitutes a system of defense present in animals and in human beings, acquiring more complex features in the human sphere of evolution. It is in this level of cognitive processing that phobias, night terror, panic syndrome, hopelessness toward oneself and other people, complete pessimism, cynicism and nihilism in relation to life arise…

Originally, [...]

The Christic Mother speaks, melancholically…

Our Greatest Mother appeared to us with a distinctly melancholic countenance and said as if She was whispering to our souls:

“Bring me the pains of the world, so that I can alleviate them.

Take to the people of the Earth my Message of hope.

Reanimate the fallen ones, so that they proceed [...]