Happiness, peace, rapture and ecstasy

Psychological balance, emotional stability, strength in the constitution of a personality and its character are a goal, conscious or unconscious, of every human creature.

To materialize this ideal, however, it is essential, first, that the individual have a clear perception of the multiplicity of aspects that he/she are made up of, as well as [...]

“Battle scars”, in the battlefields of life – and the three great genocidal leaders of the 20th century

“Battle scars” indicate not only the passage through a military confrontation in itself but, not rarely, also the stigma resulting from mistakes in the strategies of the generals or in the action taken by the soldiers and their direct officers, in the battlefronts.

More than just honored as heroes, the wounded and/or mutilated in [...]

God, life and death

God is love… but also Justice!

God is the Supreme Source of Life… however, He-She establishes physical death as a process of renewal for all beings, at the human or animal level of evolution…

Do not allow yourself to be confused, in the emotional eclipse of denial and revolt, when your expectations are frustrated, [...]

To speak with God and to be heard by Him-Her

You do not need to be endowed with a special mediumistic ability.

You do not need training in advanced meditation techniques.

You do not need prayer practices full of faith and devotion.

You cannot even allege lack of spiritual merits or karmic credits.

Not even the deficiency in the elevation of feelings or in [...]

Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

As a way to solve dilemmas that, apparently or at first glance, seem too complicated or unsolvable, here is an alternative interpretation for the words of the Christ Jesus: “Let the dead bury their dead”.

Let, beloved child, the forces of death bury the dead situations. Quite often, the best you can do to [...]