The infinite respect of God and of the Spirits for the human free will

The main reason that leads people to disbelieve in the existence of God and of the Spirits is probably one of the most surprising topics that exist, in the field of the search for Transcendence, since, paradoxically, it should cause more admiration for the Heavenly Goodness and Wisdom: the infinite respect for the free [...]

Holy Mary sends a brief message in English, by Her Emissary in the USA


If you don’t understand, you don’t know… you are not.

If you comprehend, you know and you are.

First, the evolution of consciousness.

Then, the development of cognition.

At last, the capacity for perception and learning appears.

Every single thing, every level of being have their time to happen in the Lord/Lady’s Creation!…


Simplism, cynicism and perversity of the atheistic activism, in the planetary urgency we are going through

The combat to all forms of prejudice that hurt human dignity – such as racism, sexism, LGBTphobia, elitism, the depreciation of people with physical or mental disabilities, of immigrants or refugees – currently receives, very rightly, great applause from the media and from academic circles.

However, a kind of collective breakdown takes place, when it [...]

From the feminine perspective

As an organization in special status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), since 2018, the Instituto Salto Quântico (Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré) has been invited once again1 to submit a written statement, in the preparatory preambles of CSW65 — The sixty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women —, [...]

Your freedom… angel or demon?


Free will without discernment constitutes a wide-open door to the loss of one’s own freedom.

Only with a spirit of judicious reflection, with a refined critical and self-critical sense, with a clear notion of ethical principles and humanitarian values, can human beings make more conscious choices, better fitting their own and the common [...]