Rupture of the ego, for the rapture of the Spirit


Beloved children:

May each sincere devotee promote the rupture of the walls of his/her own ego, to favor the rapture of his/her Spirit to the Kingdom of Heavens, within his/herself.

For this, it is essential to be sure to detect the voice of the conscience, which does not condone norms of castrating [...]

The Message that Mary Christ asked to be sent to the UN Economic and Social Council

Much more than a women’s right to gender equality

For successive centuries, it was believed, as an unquestionable axiom, that women could not take positions considered to be of greater responsibility, because they would be inept to play roles that were regarded as exclusively meant for the modus operandi of men, for the [...]


Visit of the Spiritual Mother of Humanity

And the Saint of saints appeared to us, shining as a silent explosion of multicolored light, accenting the white color. Ineffable choirs of angels announced Her arrival. And, was it because for the heavenly melody or the unspeakable ecstasy that the Sublime Visit always causes, we found ourselves [...]

Faith and maturity

To have conviction in the Existence and Assistance of the Supreme Being is a basic achievement of spirituality.

However, we will notice a highly deficient degree of intuitional, moral and even simply psychological maturity on those who have not developed a solid and lived sense of responsibility, achieved when one works, studies, prays and reflects, [...]

Faith and flexibility

Devote keen attention to each circumstance in your life, without fear of making mistakes when noticing the need to review your points of view, even if you need to rethink what you deemed unquestionable.

If faith must be immovable to you, like all the other convictions and moral principles you consider nonnegotiable, the interpretation of [...]