Crisis and Divine Love

God is Infinite Goodness!

As Absolute Being, the exhalation of His-Her Love is necessarily complete – and, therefore, includes corrective justice, in favor of individuals and communities.

It does not matter that the human mind does not grasp the complexity of the divine reasons for certain events – it is natural that limited intelligences do [...]

Pearls or pigs – the personal and universal choice, during the pandemic

Our Spiritual Guide Eugênia-Aspásia appeared to me, distinct and serene, as it is customary to her, and asked me to record, in the Brazilian Portuguese version, the Message that follows, from Our Planetary Mother, Mary Christ, whose Voice resounded – or was It whispered? —, both tender and strong at the same time, in a [...]

Caravels and modern aircrafts – superstitions and lucid faith

Just as Mathematics states that behind disorder there is an implicit order, in a higher level of complexity, we will present another similar principle, but beyond the realm of logic, in the field of Spirituality:

Above a turbulent and distressing situation, of contradictory feelings and acute frustration, there is always a plane of peace, [...]

Unprecedented planetary urgency – the pandemic as a transformative lesson or the pandemonium as a devastating consequence

The Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia appeared to me and requested:

“In the Name of Our Planetary Mother, Mary Christ, and the entire Community of the Holy Spirits of God, publish the words that follow, as a special favor.”

Here, then, is the brief Message that the Council of Spiritual Masters dictated to my psychospiritual hearing:

We [...]

Uncommon joy, peculiar to the legitimate representatives of God

If you are genuinely at the service of the good, as revealed by the good fruits that abound in your heart and around you, consider a distinctive honor to face these trials:

To be frowned upon by bad characters, even if they parade in the world under the well-starched cloak of hypocrisy.

To be [...]