Superior intelligence

Faith, in its genuine expressions – which we will here designate as lucid faith –, constitutes a window of perception for a broader and deeper panorama of reality, both in the intrapsychic sphere and the context of the most complex elucubrations of cosmogony and teleology.

It is, so to speak, a refined form of [...]

Undivided Reality

In a more accurate observation, both from biology’s perspective, which integrates molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems, as from physics’ point of view, which does not define boundaries among objects and beings (integrating them to one another, at the subatomic level), reality, as a whole, is a continuum.

In the final analysis, the whole [...]

Christs Mary and Jesus send, through Their Emissaries, a public document about the current global crisis generated by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

This passage of the Gospels, paraphrased here, must echo in the hearts of all, in this time of planetary crisis…

“Look at the lilies of the field, which do not weave or spin, or the birds in the sky, which do not sow or reap, and God Father-Mother dresses and feeds them respectively.”

O, men [...]

The Spirituality and Our Lady speak about the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and crises in the world economy

As national economies recede, the outbreak of the new strain of the coronavirus continues, drawing people’s attention to a forgotten and elementary aspect of the human condition: mortality.

This is a time of resurrection of the soul – of recognizing the importance that the Spirit deserves to have, which it always had, always has, [...]

Perennial and universal need

Reinforce your prayers and develop a more self-aware attitude – watchfulness, in Christic language –, with less rationalizations and ego defenses.

Otherwise, there can neither be authentic self-knowledge, nor the overcoming of problems and existential crises.

Conversely, the pains are thus aggravated rather than remedied, and the illusions perpetuate themselves, torturing the soul, the heart, [...]