Your Heart — your North

Your Heart — your North

The human intelligence can be supplanted, and it has been, in progressively greater number of its functions, by the artificial intelligence.

The basic emotions of a human being also exist in many of the most developed mammals, such as cetaceans, [...]

Missile Crisis in Syria¹

Missile Crisis in Syria¹

The nuclear powers disagree… and become estranged…

Tempers flare… and they panic…

And hope is troubled in the hearts of many, throughout the Earth…

However, from Above the whole whirlwind, the Infinite Goodness of God watches and protects…

And, so, I have come to ratify, [...]

The Three Great VOICES of Heaven

The Three Great VOICES of Heaven

Sunlight burst in the atmosphere of deep sadness…

Three VOICES, in perfect synchrony, boomed:

“We want Our Spokesperson to be exposed before the multitude…

We want everyone to know that he represents Us…


The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

The greatest danger of the world… and the greatest Gift of Life!…

Psychopathy and prejudice embody the Evil… from which come all evils, no matter if they are camouflaged, in a sophisticated manner, with false religious concepts, with current conventions or even with secular traditions…

Love and inclusion reflect the Good… from [...]

Faith on solid ground (banner 2)


Faith on solid ground (banner 2) – The School Of Happiness

Love is an absolute and transcendent phenomenon. Mature parents intuit, for example, that they cannot restrict to the mere bioelectrochemical occurrences in the brain the enormity and depth of their feelings for their children, even though they acknowledge, when informed, [...]