Succinct and prophetic…

Succinct and prophetic…

The Great Mother of the earthly humanity, Representative of the Maternal Side of God to our planet, was laconic and enveloped in a sublime aura of melancholy. After a slight gesture, as a way of greeting, She told us, briefly:

Or God… or nothing…

Or solidarity… or [...]

Holy MARY talks about Christmas

Holy MARY talks about Christmas

On the day of the summer’s solstice in the Earth’s southern hemisphere, at the exact hour of the Angelus, in the midst of the harsh caatinga of the Brazilian Northeast, Our Mother, Holy MARY, appeared for a small group of devotees of our Domain of existence.

Immediately [...]



This week, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The last one that could be fought among the great nations of the Earth, without the extinction of the human species on the orb and even the destruction of the planetary biosphere…

May each creature, in the [...]

Acknowledging deep wounds in oneself

Summarizing the narrative of the Weekly Event of the Apparition of the Greater Mother of the earthly humanity, we reproduce what She, in the Name of the Divine Maternal Face, amid the soft rustle of the breeze that came from the warm “haze of Light” that She exuded from Her Exalted Spirit, almost [...]

Divine Mercy and Goodness

I would like to convey an idea, even if small, of the Infinite Mercy of God — began by saying the Maternal Majesty from Heaven to Earth. And, after a brief pause, She went on:

However, human language lacks the elements, for Us to do it in a more complete way…
