Grave danger

Grave danger

The love that hushes the fair rebuke,

The spirituality that silences the necessary guidance,

The conscience that does not share its impressions and achievements,

The soul that does not offer what it already has in itself…


A love that degenerated into stubborn selfishness,

A [...]

The Infinite Goodness of God

The Infinite Goodness of God Visit of the Spiritual Mother of Humanity – 06

The sacrosanct Figure of Holy Mary was outlined, without making Itself fully clear, and, engulfing us in Her sacred spiritual graces, resonated Her Voice in our hearts, three times in a row, as mantra that echoed in our [...]

Sublime Mail

We were in a group of seven ladies, and we organized ourselves in a tiny chamber for spiritual communications with the Sublime Levels of Consciousness.

The small room, with classroom-like format, was, nevertheless, spacious enough to comfortably accommodate up to a dozen people.

Instead of a platform, there was a “glass wall” that resembled a [...]

True Faith

True Faith

My so beloved daughters, My so beloved sons,

Self-knowledge is indispensable. We cannot castrate the processes of doubt, but we can elaborate them, so that faith is true.

More than the conviction that confuses or the belief that leads to disappointments, we need the [...]

Fly high

Fly high


The stubborn butterfly, which refuses to come out of the chrysalis so as not to embarrass her sister caterpillars, is not humble. It sins for being irresponsible according to the level of development it has achieved.

Those who can do more should do it, to better serve the community in which they [...]