Forgiveness and survival

Forgiveness and survival


Without forgiveness life in society is impossible, as well as tranquility and balance within each creature.

The physical and mental health of individuals and communities (because they too suffer economically and culturally) depends intrinsically on forgetting offenses, tolerance toward differences, charity toward the flaws of others … and one’s own!

Because… [...]

Suffering and solution

Suffering and solution

Suffering, intrinsically, has no purifying force or function.

Pain, beloved son, beloved daughter, is an alarm (from the body or spirit), either for something bad that needs to be removed from your conduct and from your soul, or for something positive that you are not doing and needs [...]

Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation

Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation

JESUS granted to humanity, in this famous directive inserted in the Gospels, a solid guideline of conduct, from the matrixes of the thought and of the feeling. A disciplinary key, so to speak, which provides broader and more numerous chances [...]

The Solution for Everything (banner 1)


The Solution for Everything (banner 1)


Where love speaks, becomes present and, especially, is put into action, from the simple expressions of everyday kindness tu the glorious pinnacles of the greatest strokes of renunciation and martyrdom… Wickedness is neutralized. Cynicism is dissipated, like mist by the wind. Desperation is diluted by the [...]

Pathways to Life (banner 1)

Pathways to life (banner 1)


Develop and encourage the bonds of fraternity and good will. Start and sustain the impulse of generous retribution and of multiplication of the blessings received for the benefit of many. Promote and nurture the psychological and moral energy of persisting in joy and service [...]