Going to Heaven.

Going to Heaven.


“Do you want to get close to Heaven?

Give. Give materially. Give of yourself.

Give without expecting anything in return. Give for the pleasure of giving.

And, as time passes by… a Wellspring of Divine Blessings will arise into your heart, spreading blessings in all directions, turning yourself into [...]




“Light… of the brightness of a wildfire.

Light… of the continuous explosion of a star.

Light… which consumes energy from the power station, fueled by the resources of Nature.

Light, lastly, that results from the evolutionary combustion of the soul, in advanced process of feeling and loving, serving and praying, systematically, in the [...]

Three pillars for happiness.


Three pillars for happiness

“The most appropriate philosophy of life for each individual is the one that most includes the spirit of service, with joy and state of gratitude.

The service toward others is the purpose of existing.

Joy in service indicates a better attunement to one’s personal vocation.

Gratitude reveals an excellent level [...]

The UN and the Earth.

The UN and the Earth.


“Seventy years ago, the United Nations was created to end all wars and, above everything, to prevent a third conflagration of global proportions… an Organization to avoid the Armageddon. It is not perfect—it is human—, but it attempts to succeed and intervene for the good, and to reprimand [...]

Sports – a vector of peace and not of futility.

Sports – a vector of peace and not of futility.


“In sports, the fraternal gathering of nations happens by pre-established rules that favor the channeling of aggression amongst individuals and peoples… without weapons, without the devastation of civilizational heritage, without mass deaths or mutilations amongst survivors, without the shattering of widowed hearts or [...]