Love, sex and tragic dangers

Human beings, in the current evolutionary phase in which the earthly civilization, on average, finds itself, are sexual creatures.

Erotic bonds involve feelings, generate positive or negative psychological impacts and create karma, such as debits or credits.

For this reason, all care is respectable in interpersonal relationships, to [...]

Let there be Light!

Let there be the light of peace of conscience and the harmony with the practice of good, in the inner world and in the existence of each sentient being.

Let there be disciplined effort to comply with the dictates of one’s own ideal, without worrying about obeying conventions, when conflicts arise between Heaven’s Call [...]

To get closer to plenitude

You do not need much, or anything big or materially valuable.

What nourishes the soul and is therefore inherent to the spirit is outside quantitative standards – it relates directly to what concerns the qualitative.

Feeling, more than thought.

Kindness, more than intelligence.

Solidary action, more than productivity for the physical world, the economy [...]

Reasonableness, pragmatism and responsibility in the chapter of the Essential

The Essential could not depend on socio-economic status, psychological standards, intellectual level or physical conditions that are not accessible to all people. Otherwise, God would not be Absolute Justice and Goodness.

So, when you find yourself immersed in overly complex conjectures or inextricable confusions, in the realm of the fundamental – your relationship with [...]

Black Holy Mary and the mystique of a binomial of two centuries: one vector toward the past and the other toward the future – a tribute to "Black Mary Christ", on the occasion of the Our Lady of Aparecida Day

It was 1717! Yes: exactly 200 years before the Apparitions of Mary Christ in Fatima, Portugal.

Another period of two centuries makes up this brief and ultra-significant story, mythologeme and grave warning from the Heavenly Powers: the approximate time that, in those distant days, in Brazilian lands, was already taking place the unspeakably abominable [...]