She is there, by your side, closer to you than your own breath.
She is the Maternal Face of God, Infinite Goodness and Perfect Intelligence, Whom I merely represent for the earthly civilization.
Fear nothing. Never doubt. Never waver.
Open yourself, in prayer, to the inexhaustible source of graces that flow from Her and [...]
Sensibly apply the principle of the flexibility of concepts and methods of action, so that you can experience a greater expression of psychological maturity and pragmatic rationality in managing the context of reality in which you find yourself – inexorably complex and ambiguous, in countless layers and dimensions.
And, far beyond this perspective of [...]
Charity, in place of punishment.
“Mercy, instead of sacrifice”¹.
Love, in reverse of fear.
Joy, rather than despair.
Gratitude, in substitution for bitterness.
Paradox is a recurring law in spiritual matters. That is why the Christ-Verb Jesus said that anyone who wanted to save their life, wholly, would have to lose it, according to [...]
Relationships should not imply attachment, despite the interdependence between creatures being inexorable and constituting, if lived correctly, a very healthy experience.
If someone does not reciprocate the affection you devote to them, it is always time to consider transferring your feelings to someone else, with whom you can establish a relationship based on a [...]
Not by many requests to God…
Not by mental cries to Heaven…
Not by trying to bribe the Powers of the Universe with empty promises…
Not by wanting so much, nor by intensely believing in the power of faith…
Not even by the diligent effort in studying, planning or working to obtain moral merits [...]