The Divine Stop and the Beast of the Apocalypse

If someone does not answer to the Divine call to a “Stop” – the multifaceted warning of the end of the Celestial permission to relapse into a certain grave malevolent attitude –, the unwary person is immediately given over to hidden and terrible agendas of the diabolical Beast, becoming a mere puppet of the [...]

Global ecological and war crisis, in an approach to strengthening institutions with a gender perspective – Written statement submitted by the MCS to the UN CSW68

Written statement of the Mary Christ Society (or “Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré”, an organization in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council) submitted to the 68th session of the “Commission on the Status of Women”¹

A civilization that does not give primacy to the protection of [...]

Grace, peace and happiness

May all seekers of Light aim to discover and align themselves with the Flow of the Divine Will.

This Flow is reflected, first, in an intra-psychic experience of bodily, emotional and mental readings that inform, through a kind of psychological comfort, peace of conscience or state of grace – three degrees of the same [...]

The Sun and the Immaculate Conception

I am the Immaculate Conception. Yes, and there is nothing wrong in this assertion. I merely made the statement that I do not belong to the hominal level of consciousness.

If a member of the human species says: “I am bipedal” or “I have prehensile hands”, they are being as natural in talking about [...]

Forgiveness, Tolerance and Fight for the Good

Forgiveness we owe to everyone, including to criminals.

Tolerance, however, is only due to people with divergent conduct that does not imply disrespect for others and for ourselves.

Those who forgive do not hate and even wish the recipient of their forgiveness well. However, if they are conscientious and sensible, as well as good-natured [...]