Male tribalism


The message in this banner concerns the wild and degraded group that stood out — as a grotesque emblem of this era of dangerous contradictions that we live in —, in the horrendous (and historic) episode of the Capitol assault in Washington DC this week.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar Bethel, Connecticut, USA  


Accelerating one’s own evolution

How to accelerate one’s own evolution? By making more mistakes!

Not in the sense of slacking in the discernment or the self-discipline, but in the sense of not blocking oneself to experiences, because of the fear of making mistakes.

It is well known that one of the fundamental factors that favor a child’s learning is [...]

Rebuke on women (*1) (*2)

You ask me, my dear, what to do with men. And I tell you, very simply: let them be men.

Women like sensible men… like an effeminate…

Gallant, like a good jerk who approaches all women very well… saying everything they want to hear… paying lip service.

Careful with the children, like a [...]

How to deal with betrayal? (banner 2)

How to deal with betrayal? (banner 2)


No one deserves the tribute of your despair. To turn things around and to be happy, alone or with someone eles, is the best answer. However, do not be in a hurry to do this, so that you – consciously or unconsciously, moved by [...]

How to deal with betrayal? (banner 1)

How to deal with betrayal? (banner 1)

Allow yourself time for the psychological mourning of having suffered a disloyalty. But, in the meantime, focus your attention on those who wish you well and on the occupations that make you happy and relaxed, besides engaging in work, study and in the [...]