The Great Truth.

The Great Truth.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

The truth is neither in the field of philosophical speculation nor in the circle of scientific experimentation. Philosophical thinking broadens and deepens horizons, whereas scientific research verifies and consolidates areas of inquiry and analysis. But only the heart can intuit purpose, [...]

Working and resting time.




Working and resting time.

Working excessively does not mean to be more responsible or more efficient. Quite the contrary: resting time increases performance during work hours.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Read in full at: “Living, now!”


Living, Now!

Living, Now!


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia


There are many motives for you to be happy, but the main one is simply to be alive. Be careful not to let the everyday rush suffocate your capacity to enjoy every instant of your existence. Do [...]

Women, blacks and gays.

Women, blacks and gays.

Empirically, it is quite obvious that, on average: women are more sensitive and intuitive than men; blacks are physically stronger and more agile than whites; homosexuals are more creative and courageous than heterosexuals …

I repeat: on average…

Would it be, then, that sexism, racism, and homophobia are dissimulated manifestations [...]

Save Me.

Save Me. Message from the HOLY MARY.

The light was tenuous gas forming before us. The Figure of the Greatest Mother appeared amid the luminous mist and, over Her Sacrosanct Image, just a few inches ahead, the following few words emerged:

“Save Me.

Save the Earth and the brother or sister [...]